Version 7.6

New Features



Simplified Risk Rules – Interface and Delivery Channels

Last month we released version 7.5, which included the first of a number of features known as Simplified Rules. This feature allows administrators to configure InScope-AML without them needing to create complex segments. Version 7.5 brought an easier way of defining Jurisdiction risk scores. The new version of InScope-AML released this month enhances this functionality by introducing a simplified approach to managing interface and delivery channels. There are two components to this new functionality. The first is an easy way of defining how face-to-face relationships are tracked. Some organisations prefer to track this at the individual level and then apply rules to determine when a corporate entity is treated as a face-to-face client (e.g. when they have met all UBOs). Others prefer to track this on a case-by-case basis at entity level. Moreover a number of organisations choose to define multiple interface options – i.e. rather than opting for a binary (yes/no) definition of face-to-face they introduce intermediate options such as “Frequent online videos”. All these options can now be configured much more easily via the Risk Settings Screen:

Version 7.6

The second component to this feature is the ability to set a risk pillar as an “Interface” risk pillar. This allows you to assign risk scores to a combination of face-to-face options and delivery channel using a grid-like component as shown below:

Version 7.6

For existing users of InScope, these features will require a migration of data so this feature is not enabled by default. Should you wish to leverage its functionality, please contact us on



Risk Notes

Entity screens have a new section called Risk Notes that allow you to add any free-text information that should be taken into consideration when carrying out a risk assessment.

Version 7.6

Any data added to this screen is displayed as a warning message when creating a risk assessment as shown below:

Version 7.6



The Related Countries screen allows users to add multiple countries at the same time using country categories. This could be used to specify, for example, that an organisation has business in the whole of the EU. Selecting this option adds all the countries in the EU to the list. Up to the last version of InScope, if you have selected such an option in error, you needed to remove each county individually. As of the latest version of InScope, we have added a feature that allows you to delete related countries in bulk through the buttons on the right as shown below:

Version 7.6




Minor User Interface Changes

  • Account numbers and custom fields that are marked “Display In Header” are now visible on the Warnings tab in the dashboard.
  • Added the to change the number of entities displayed on search pages as shown below:
Version 7.6


Bug Fixes

  • On the segments edit screen, if a filter contained a related country type, it was not rendering properly.
  • Services management screen was showing a Save button even if when no service is selected.
  • On the segments edit screen, a filter of type “Is an introducer from country” was not allowing you to select a country.